Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 2015

October is such a fun month when you have little ones, so many fun activities and so much excitement for Halloween!  Here is what we were up to this month while we gear up for Halloween!

These two are super tired by Thursday afternoons, three days with no naps!  We have been spending the afternoon with movies and TV to veg out to!

I think Chandler is definitely enjoying our one on one time while the big kids are at school and she is also enjoying all of the toys to herself!
More T-ball!!!

 I got to take both kids on their very first field trips!!!  We walked across the street to the Boerne pumpkin patch and did some other Fall nature activities as well.

Chandler loves to tag along too!

I took the kids to the pumpkin patch near our house as well for the obligatory pumpkin patch pics but also there are several activities and fun things for the kids to do while they are there

I let them pick any pumpkin they wanted to take home and paint as long as they could carry it to the car themselves!
It's so funny looking at the difference!
Pumpkin painting!
We had our "playgroup" friends over for a little Halloween costume party and the kids were super excited to wear their costumes and pop the piñata!

They loved being part of the piñata stuffing

Brian got to spend a morning at the kids school doing pumpkin carving with Dad!

Oh how we love the kids new school!  We have been so happy with our time there so far and love all of the extra experiences the kids enjoy at SHEEP.  The Thursday before Halloween the entire school went trick-or-treating on Main Street and to the nursing home across the street.  They seriously shut down Main Street so our littles can get across the street safely, how cool is that?!  GaGa so graciously came with us to help me wrangle these three crazies all morning, man was I glad to have her there!  Here are some pictures of our super fun morning!

What a fun filled October!  And I think we definitely got our moneys worth out of our Halloween costumes this year!!!: )

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