Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Brayden at 15 months...AKA crazy man!!!

My oh my, this child is a crazy person!!!  I know I say this every month but Brian and I both agree that this is our favorite age yet.  Brayden is such an energetic, funny, and loving little boy and we absolutely adore him!  Here is what little B is up to these days:

*Buddy loves to climb!  He climbs on anything that he can reach and we are just waiting (dreading) for the day that he climbs out of his crib!

Brayden would run around naked all day if we let him!

*And yes, all this climbing results in ALOT of bumps, bruises, and scratches.  Just a few days ago, Brayden got his first busted lip!  Of course to me it seemed like a lot of blood coming from his mouth but after about 1 minute of crying he was just fine!
Of course as I am freaking out, Brian takes the photo op!  He's like "ya, that's my boy!"

*Brayden is a walking/running fool!  He is practically running and just wanders throughout the house picking up things, playing with them for a short minute, throwing them and then on the the next!  Within 10 minutes our perfectly clean house looks like a hurricane came through!
He especially likes things on a stick, his golf clubs, baseball bat, and of course the swifter, duster, and our broom which he has broken since this photo was taken!

*He does this cheesy laugh that is hilarious and contagious!  We are not sure if he is genuinely laughing or not but if he hears us laughing he will do it and it just makes everyone laugh more which makes him continue doing it on and on-adorable!
*Mommy's sweet baby is a lover!  When he is in his highchair he often grabs my hand and puts it on his face so that my hand is cupping his cheek.  He will continue eating this way and if I try to move my hand he usually grabs it and puts it so sweet!
*Brayden has recently learned how to throw things, makin his daddy real proud when he actually picks up a ball and throw it!
*After dinner, and before bath/bedtime Brayden gets rowdy!  He just runs all over the place screaming and yelling and is real playful-Brian and I just look at each other and laugh he is so much fun!
*Brayden loves going to the park, the pool, the gym, to friends houses, and playing with family-  I am always trying to think of things to do to get Brayden out of the house to burn off some energy!

Loves the kids club at the gym, so many kids and toys to play with!!!

Brayden with one of his girlfriends-sweet baby Hannah :)

LOVES getting pushed on this thing but MAN it is a workout!

 Just a few more randoms from the month, and yes I know this baby is rarely wearing both pants and a shirt at the same time!  We are lucky to get just his diaper on trust me!

He was extremely fascinated with the rain the other day

Still the absolute sweetest thing in the world to me is this sleeping baby!

Loves to swing!!!


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