Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 2014

We started February out with Brian's 33 birthday!  Brayden always enjoys birthdays and especially likes helping unwrap presents, blow out the candles, and of course eat cake!!!

Brayden enjoyed playing in his first "snow"!  It was more than Brayden has ever seen and he definitely enjoyed playing in it, throwing it, and slipping around in it.  It was cold though so we didn't last outside for long!

February was probably our sickest month as a family to date....We fought off several sinus infections, a couple lingering coughs, a bad case of croup, and pink eye made it around our house as well... Brayden got to come home with a nebulizer which we call the "penguin machine" around here because looks like a cute little penguin. We have been so impressed with what a trooper Brayden has been wearing this thing for 20 minutes at a time twice a day.  He is so patient and just sits so good while it is on....of course the TV that he gets to watch while doing it is definitely a bonus!  We are hoping this will help prevent any future illnesses to turing into croup once again!  We are also hoping for a MUCH healthier Spring!

This was the day Brayden was the most sick :( you know he is feeling bad if he falls asleep in the car which he never does!!
Brayden had a fun valentine party at school and came home with lots of goodies.  He loved waking up on Valentines morning and opening his cards from his Grandparents and cousins!

"this one has a bad guy!" (about a star wars valentine from cousin Carson!)

"money!"  piggy bank money from Grandma and Grandpa

 Brayden had his first experience at build a bear on Valentines morning and had just as much fun at the mall playground and out to a special lunch with Dylan :)

 We spent an amazing day at the rodeo on Presidents Day.  It was the second year in a row Brian has been able to have off work and come with us, it was really a great day.  Both kids enjoyed seeing all of the animals, and Brayden seriously had a smile on his face the entire time.  He just ran and ran around the entire grounds and took it all in!

This goat would not leave poor Sterling alone!!!

They both could have spent hours in the petting zoo!!!

Brayden got to milk a pretend cow, stuff actually came out...

We have been enjoying some of the warm days this month and have spent quite a few afternoons at our community park.  Sterling is big enough now and active enough where she (thank goodness) does not spend the whole time putting the mulch in her mouth!  She has graduated to walking all over, climbing up slides, and climbing up all of the stairs.  

And if we are not at the park, we are either out back or out front playing weather permitting most days!  Sterling is perfectly content riding in the wagon while Brayden rides his four wheeler, scooter, or just runs!  Both kids also enjoy playing in the driveway where lately Brayden has been really into "tennis"  I feel like both kids are just so happy when they are outside and we don't get near as much crankiness from either one while we are out!

Isn't this just a beautiful picture?!

Brian and I went to pick up Brayden from the kids club at the gym the other day and were just so proud to see him sitting and reading a book :)

Grandma came for a great visit at the end of the month and I am so bummed this is the only picture I got of her from her stay!  It sure was nice having her though and she helped out a lot when we went for Sterling's first birthday photo shoot.

 And after finding many pictures of my son with no clothes on I am convinced he just prefers to be naked!!!  Here are just a few from this month!  This kid constantly cracks us up!  We have more than enough blackmail pictures on this kid for the rest of his life!!!

Prefers to go potty outside....

Who needs pants!?

And naked acrobatics!

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