Friday, April 27, 2012

Brayden's first Birthday part 1

April 18 2012 was our baby Brayden's very first birthday!  We celebrated with family, pizza, cake and presents with his birthday party the following weekend. We took a ridiculous amount of pictures so I am going to split it up into two posts.  Here are some pics from the one year olds big day :)

This is mine and Brian's favorite kind of cake so this is what Brayden will get until he can decide his favorite!

Playing cars with Grandpa Rehkopf
Grandma and Papa Barron were there to celebrate the big day

Opening Presents!

The Jack in the Box was a hit!  I love this picture because neither Brayden or Mia know what to think!
 And of course we had to give him some cake!  We were dying laughing again watching Brayden dig in to his slice of cake, I think we have created a monster!!!
Look closely, there is cake everywhere!!

This was probably one of the funniest parts of the night, once all of the chunks of cake were gone Brayden just stuck his face in it and licked up what he could get!!  Hillarious!!!

And the cheese face once again! 

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